Trip to Downtown Rio: National Museum of Fine Arts
Located in the Cinelândia area, you can find a building opened in 1908, with different architectural styles in its composition. This building is the National Museum of Fine Arts. Originally, the building was built to serve as the headquarters of the National School of...
The Plastic Arts and Brazil – Part 2 : Master Valentin and Rio de Janeiro
In our last week article, we were presented to the life and work of Jean Baptiste Debret and his impact on Brazil. Today we gonna talk about another very important artist, this time a Brazilian one, that also lived and worked a good amount of his live in Rio de...
Lapa, a Rio Wonder
Fancy a beer? A caipirinha, maybe? Perhaps you just want to have a good night out, chatting with friends, or dancing? No matter what you like to do or what kind of music you’re into, there’s one perfect neighborhood for the night owls: Lapa. It’s so cramped with bars,...
The Origins of Christ The Redeemer
Christ The Redeemer is one of the most famous monuments in the world, and definitely the most famous in Brazil, becoming a symbol of Rio de Janeiro. It is so important that it’s even mentioned in real state – an apartment with a view to it is certainly more...